
Happy Birthday TWO you!

It is so hard to believe that our baby boy turned two today. We waited a long time for our second miracle to come into our lives and we feel so blessed that God chose us for him.

This week has been a rough week at our house as we all have been going down one by one with illness. When Grant turned two he was so sick and was in the emergency room the night before his party. Remembering how rough that was, we decided to move Ryan's party to next weekend when we all are back on our feet. This morning he made an effort to get out of bed to go with daddy to get breakfast. Even though he is sick he still likes to go, go, go.

It just wouldn't be right to have a birthday without a cake and a few presents so we had a little celebration with just mom, dad, and big brother.

This is about as far as he got with the cake. He just has not been up to eating much. He played with the cake and then it fell in his lap. He was eager however to open up his presents!

He had us laughing because he will only open up one gift at a time. You have to unwrap it, take it out of the box, and let him play with it before he will move on to the next gift. This could be a very long process at his party next week but to see our little guy smile after having such a rough week was well worth the wait.

Love that smile!
(We try to keep clothes on this kiddo but we always find them on the floor.)

This is his serious game face.
He was cracking us up with his punching bag. He has some pretty sweet moves and is not afraid to demonstrate for all to see. He even adds sound effects for good measure. Notice the roll of bread in his hand. This child eats his weight in bread every day so I find this to be hilarious that he will not put the bread down while he is playing.

We ended the day with us all piled up on the couch under a blanket watching movies. JR and I feel so blessed for the gifts that God has given us and we look forward to watching them grow up.
 (not too fast though!) 


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